Sunday, 26 February 2012

How to Design an Ecommerce Website for Smartphone Users

A good many of web surfers are fast switching to iPhone and other Smartphone products, devices that are much smaller than PCs and laptops. This has coined a new term 'Mcommerce'. Mcommerce or Mobile Commerce has become an integral part of ecommerce. If a large percentage of your targeted audience surfs the web from smaller devices like iPhone, you should look for a web design Manchester agency that designs websites compatible with these smaller devices. For opening an iPhone compatible ecommerce website, you should follow some basic guidelines that are furnished here below.

You should register with an agency that offers web designing solutions for both conventional and new-age surfing devices including desktop PCs, laptops, mobile phones and all. Top SEO Manchester companies suggest smaller webpage resolution so that it can be viewed from all sorts of surfing devices.

When you are designing a site for the iPhone users, you must keep your site easily navigable all the through. Keep in mind that iPhone users are less patient and they tend to click away from sites if they don't find what they are looking for easily. Reputable web designing agencies in Manchester opine that the Payment page should be placed a few clicks away.

Use easy and secure payment gateways. PayPal is a widely accepted payment gateway. There are other secure gateways as well. However, you should always consult with a professional web design Manchester agency before finally deciding on this issue.

Remember, Mcommerce is more dynamic and fluctuating than ecommerce. In fact, it is the future of ecommerce. Market researchers have come up with the fact that more and more people are fast replacing their good old computers with these smarter devices. You must keep this trend in mind and design your website accordingly if you want to stay ahead of the competition.

Thursday, 16 February 2012

SEO Manchester Trends 2012: What’s New?

SEO is all about constant evolution, modification and changes. Manchester based SEO companies have a learnt a lot from their past year experiences and imbibing changes in their SEO strategies in accordance with the algorithm change of Google and search engines. Let’s see what the SEO Manchester trends that have either already found strong foothold or upcoming are.

Creative Content Writing

Quality and informative content has ever been an important part of search engine optimization strategies. Creativity has been added to the attributes of late. Duplicate content has no value in Search Engine Optimization. If you really want to add value to your website, you need to write original and creative content for your website. Alternatively, you can take services from an SEO Manchester agency. Conventional link building won’t work anymore. Do emphasize on both quantity and quality of content.

Social Media

SEO 2012 Manchester trends will lean towards social media optimization or SMO as well. Do social working dedicatedly and don’t just make use of automated programs to post on Twitter, Facebook, MySpace and other sites. Do post whatever is real and appealing. Do interact with your social media acquaintances and do not just let a third party do it for you. A web design Manchester Company that manages SEO as well can guide you well about how to post but until and unless you post on your own, you are not going to gather enough credibility.

Emphasize on Mobile Search

Mcommerce is fast becoming an integral part of ecommerce market UK and Europe. Mcommerce stands for mobile commerce. A large portion of the searchers now surf Google and other sites from their Smartphone and other smaller devices. Though these gadgets have expanded the market, they have brought in some new rules of game as well. Top web design Manchester agencies recommend designing websites that are well-fitted for the mobile screens. The reason is heavy flash websites and websites with bigger resolution are not easily navigable on smaller screens. So the challenge has got tougher. Your website’s reach might have been extended, but when designing the same, you need to give emphasis to custom-made HTML design.

Many SEO Manchester companies offer web design services as well. If you want to get along with the Manchester SEO trends 2012, you can go online for browsing through these websites. Assess and evaluate each of these companies separately, check their client list and testimonials, call them or chat with the company reps online to know more about the company background. But always make sure that these three SEO 2012 trends are followed religiously for designing and optimizing your website.

Friday, 3 February 2012

Rules That Every SEO Manchester Company Should Follow

SEO is considered to be a highly powerful marketing tool in the genre of Internet marketing. Millions of entrepreneurs operating in the cyber space are taking advantage of the tool to popularize their companies. However, some people make use of unscrupulous means to improve their search engine ranking. Also referred to as the infamous Black Hat Technqiue, such means are known to bring fast results. As many entrepreneurs bank upon this unlawful technique, very few are actually aware of the disrepute that they can earn for the sites. SEO Manchester companies offering Web solutions should therefore, only make use of White Hat SEO Technique to bring out positive results.
Talking about optimization through content writing, some Web design Manchester companies tend to stuff the text content with business-relevant keywords so that the URL appears first in the list of search results. Even though you might find appreciable results within the first few days, fooling the engine robots is not their forte. Sooner or later, the bots will detect the trickery, and the consequence will be graver than most think. The website will either be totally ousted from Google's indexing, or it will be sent to the last page. This means that you will have little hopes of resurrection from the pit fallen position.
Hence, the companies should develop content through strategic effort. Articles posted in a website should be as resourceful as possible so that they serve the purpose optimally. If a reader is driven into your site, it is your responsibility to provide them with the required info. Not only will it create a good brand image, but will invariably make the client return back of and on. SEO Manchester companies also make use of SEO-friendly designs to improve the SERP ranking of a website.
This is another commendable effort made to keep the website highlighted. If you are planning to bring your website to limelight, your Web design Manchester agency has to refurbish the entire face of your website. Recreating the site facial will give the designer independence to add and remove things to make it user-friendly. Your company should insert certain elements in the design that will be counted as positive by the web robots. Keeping the layout simple is the key to increase navigability for the users. Your company should also aim to improve the functionality of the sites through minimum possible clicks so that the users do not have to wait or leave a page every now and then.